The Lost Dog is a third-person exploration story-rich adventure following the struggles of a dog abandoned by her owner and alone in the wilderness. Take control of the dog as she battles to survive and find the way back to her owners again. Along the way she’ll have to find her own path and use her incredible sense of smell as she attempts to track her owner’s scent. Only you can help her discover what a happy home really is and find her a new family; as they realize how loving a dog can help them recover from the pain of grief. The Lost Dog is a story driven adventure game experience where the player must use the clues given to them and their desire to adventure to find the answers that dog may seek. The Lost Dog experience is designed too take roughly 60mins to complete, but this time may vary depending on how the game is played.
- Emotional Story-Rich Adventure Experience.
- Beautiful soundtrack to immerse the player fully.
- Expansive and vibrant wilderness for you to explore.
- For the fans of Firewatch and Journey.
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