COMPOUND, while still a very early work in progress, is a randomized, rogue-lite, free-roaming shooter for Virtual Reality veterans. Duck and dodge around enemy fire in a tough-as-nails retro FPS with multiple locomotion options. Prepare to die – a lot – until you are good enough to reach the heart of The Corporation and take back what belongs to everyone… While COMPOUND in in Early Access, there are bound to be bugs and issues. Please help me find them and I’ll get to work on them A.S.A.P.
What is this?
The concept of COMPOUND started as an attempt to move away from the ‘wave shooter’ formula common in early indie VR titles and towards a fuller FPS experience, built from the ground up for room-scale Virtual Reality. The trade off is that this game may not be suited to players who are still coming to grips with VR.
The post Compound Free Download (v07.03.2021) appeared first on STEAMUNLOCKED.
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